3 Important Spices that need to be Part of Your Daily Diet

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Right from the times of huts, local farming and hunting, our mothers have always made use of spices in their meals. These spices were a major part of the meals they prepared and some have said that their meals were always a lot more delicious than the modern meals we now consume due to the spices they used. While this may or may not be true, one major fact is that these spices contain medicinal properties that not only rejuvenate the human system, but also supply the human body with adequate minerals and supplements needed to live a healthy life.


If you would like to live a life as healthy as our early mothers, then you need to know what the essential spices are, their importance, side effects if any and their therapeutic use.
Here are 3 spices you definitely want to incorporate into your daily meal:

  1. Ginger
    Ginger is a common spice in most households today. The flowering plant was first discovered in Southeast Asia and it is now one of the most popular spices on the planet for its delicious and healthy qualities.

Importance of Ginger

Gingerol, the main bioactive compound present in ginger enables the spice to have properties that allow it heal common illnesses such as a cold, a fever, nausea, dizziness, amongst many others. Studies have also shown that in addition to this, ginger can also help with weight loss. Osteoarthritis is a common condition amongst older people, which is the degeneration of bones and joints and research has proven that ginger helps remarkably with osteoarthritis.

Ginger also reduces the blood sugar level of those who take it consistently, thus reducing their chances of falling prey to heart diseases or a stroke. For those dealing with chronic indigestion, ginger also works wonders with the body as far as this is concerned.

Side Effects of Ginger

While ginger has ample benefits to the human system, if consumed in large doses, it could also lead to the following side effects; discomfort in the abdominal area, cardiac arrhythmias, depression of the central nervous system, dermatitis, heartburn, irritation of the mouth, amongst others.

  1. Garlic
    Garlic is another essential spice used in the preparation of meals. When properly cooked, garlic can give your meals a mildly sweet taste.

Importance of Garlic

Garlic possesses nutrients such as Vitamin B6, Manganese, Vitamin C, Selenium and Fiber. These nutrients enable garlic to possess medicinal qualities which enable it protect against regular illnesses such as cold. Garlic has also been said to reduce blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels and protect against diseases of the heart.

Garlic possesses antioxidants which are capable of preventing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. In all, garlic possesses properties which can help you live a longer healthier life.

Side Effects of Garlic

There are truly a lot of advantages of eating garlic, but like every good thing, it is not to be consumed in overly high amounts. The side effects of garlic include; bad breath, diarrhoea, heartburn, bleeding risk, allergic reactions, and gas.

  1. Cinnamon
    Cinnamon is also a spice known for its delicious properties. It gives your meal a blend of spiciness and sweetness and it can also be used as a natural preservative.

Importance of Cinnamon

In the right dosage, cinnamon possesses ample health benefits. Cinnamon is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which help your body fight against infections and diseases. Due to its antioxidant properties, cinnamon can also protect you from cancer and help your body easily fight bacterial and fungal infections alike. It is also proven that Cinnamon can help one fight against HIV.

Side Effects of Cinnamon

When consumed in large doses, cinnamon can lead to toxicity and damage of the liver. It can also lead to mouth sores and irritation. There are people who are allergic to cinnamon, so the spice can prove to be a problem for them. There is also some research that shows that while cinnamon protects you from cancer, consuming it in large doses can also expose you to the same cancer. The key is to consume it in appropriate amounts.

To conclude, garlic, ginger and cinnamon are major spices that should be a part of your daily meal. Not only do they protect you from illnesses, but they also help your body fight against infections and viruses. As aforementioned, while these spices are good for your health, consuming them in overly large doses is tantamount to poison for your body’s health. Thus, discretion is advised.

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